Broyer du noir (fam.), s’abandonner à de sombres pensées. Aller, passer, changer du blanc au noir, passer d’un extrême à l’autre. Loc. adv. Noir sur blanc, en toutes lettres, avec …
The meaning of BÊTE NOIRE is a person or thing strongly detested or avoided : bugbear. How to use bête noire in a sentence.
Define bête noire: a person or thing that someone dislikes very much—usage, synonyms, more.
blanc de noirs: [noun] a still or sparkling white wine that is made from red or black grapes.
noun. ˈtäsh-ˈnwär. plural taches noires ˈtäsh-ˈnwär (z) : a small dark-centered ulcer that appears at the site of a tick bite and is the primary lesion of boutonneuse fever.
neighbor: [adjective] being immediately adjoining or relatively near.
2024627;pinot noir: [noun] a dry red wine produced from the same grape as French burgundy.
The meaning of MISOGYNOIR is hatred of, aversion to, or prejudice against Black women. How to use misogynoir in a sentence.
520;1 of 2 noun. Definition of noir. Like any good noir, the vehicle of the plot is the murders and the mystery. —. Scott Roxborough, The Hollywood Reporter , 20 May . True to noir form, it’s pumped up on twists, weirdos and bloodshed. —. Randy Myers, The Mercury News , 31 Jan. 2024.
rouge et noir: [noun] a gambling game in which two rows of cards are dealt and designated as rouge and noir and the players may bet on which row will have a count nearer 31, on whether the first card of the winning row will be of the color for that row, or on whether it will not — called also#R##N#
brooding: [adjective] moodily or sullenly thoughtful or serious.
NOIRE is contained in 4 matches in Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Learn definitions, uses, and phrases with noire.
a gambling game in which two rows of cards are dealt and designated as rouge and noir and the players may bet on which row will have a count… See the full definition Menu Toggle
noise: [noun] loud, confused, or senseless shouting or outcry.
Define bête noire: a person or thing that someone dislikes very much—usage, synonyms, more.
202098;Le Merriam-Webster est l’un des plus anciens dictionnaires jamais édité aux Etats-Unis. Il a été créé, en effet, par Noah Webster en 1828. La définition qu’il donnait du racisme il y a trois mois était la …
noun. ˈtäsh-ˈnwär. plural taches noires ˈtäsh-ˈnwär (z) : a small dark-centered ulcer that appears at the site of a tick bite and is the primary lesion of boutonneuse fever.