8 Jan 2012 option than my current attenuator without the price tag of the Faustine or Aracom,
-PANTOM-(they used to be made by faustine,. And of course, I forgot above to mention the Rivera Rockcrusher, that many are happy about
12 Mar 2011 faustine''s are reactance based attenuators and not resistive, but the waiting The Rivera Rockcrusher is the new one on the block and looks
Attenuator Power reducer and load resistor for tube amplifiers, Load resistor and power reduction up to an amplifier power of 120 W RMS, Natural sound at any
17 Feb 2012 I played the new Rivera Rock Crusher through an Orange TH100. True bedroom Its called a Boobtone and is a very boutique-ish amp which is another way of saying the resale value is {censored}. Faustine and Alex''s?
17 Feb 2012 I played the new Rivera Rock Crusher through an Orange TH100. True bedroom Its called a Boobtone and is a very boutique-ish amp which is another way of saying the resale value is {censored}. Faustine and Alex''s?
29. Apr. 2015 RockCrusher vs. RockCrusher Recording. Bevor wir tiefer in die Materie einsteigen, will ich kurz den generellen Unterschied der beide Geräte
24 Feb 2012 attenuators. The Rockcrusher IS the most transparent and is by far and away the best for me. My Aracom and Faustine aren''t used anymore.
29. Apr. 2015 RockCrusher vs. RockCrusher Recording. Bevor wir tiefer in die Materie einsteigen, will ich kurz den generellen Unterschied der beide Geräte
Attenuator and Load Box for Tube Amps Load Box and attenuation for amplifying power up to 120 W RMS, Natural sound at every volume, Impedance: 8 and 16
Rivera Vs Rock Crusher Faustine, Rivera Rock Crusher Vs Thd Hot Plate Rivera rock crusher vs faustine. Rivera rock crusher vs crushing and grinding plant get
18 Jun 2014 der Lautstärke deines Amps zu kämpfen? Eine Load Box kann deine Rettung sein. Olli führt dir den RockCrusher Recording von RIVERA v
Rivera RockCrusher, Leistungsreduzierer und Lastwiderstand für Röhren Amps, natürlichen Ton bei jeder Lautstärke, 8- und 16- Ohm wählbar, Rückwirkendes
Faustine Phantom DX2 vs Rivera Rock Crusher vs Aracom D Sun, Jun 26, 2011 7:45pm Any thoughts on these attenuators? Has anyone compared them side
-PANTOM-(they used to be made by faustine,. And of course, I forgot above to mention the Rivera Rockcrusher, that many are happy about
7 Jun 2011 After using the Rivera RC, I sold my Aracom DAG and Faustine Phantom. Gearhund • 9 years ago. The Eminence Reignmaker speaker will beat
The RockCrusher is invaluable and versatile because you can place it between your amp and speaker cab as a power attenuator, or use it in place of your
-Der Rivera bietet schaltbare Impedanzen von 8 und 16 Ohm. Nutze den Rock Crusher für den alten Marshall, sowie für meinen Cornford Mk50H. Try watching this video on www.youtube.com, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled Aracom oder (ehemals) Faustine absolut im gesunden Gleichgewicht!
7 Jun 2011 After using the Rivera RC, I sold my Aracom DAG and Faustine Phantom. Gearhund • 9 years ago. The Eminence Reignmaker speaker will beat