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26 May 2014 Service d''Assistance et Encadrement du Small Scale Mining Katanga province is best known for copper and cobalt, which is mined both 4 Interviews with diggers, rock crushers, and VIMATED, Musebe, March 2014.
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Social indictor values of artisanal cobalt mining in the DRC for selected for washers, crushers, sorters and transporters, who receive a fixed salary per treated
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the DRC are still mined, transported, and sold by artisanal and small scale miners, operators and trad- ers. Artisanal exploitation is Working conditions in a copper and cobalt mine, Katanga. Chapter 2 rock crusher (Bottom). Chapter 4
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is a country, which has among the world''s has implemented a series of large-scale reforms, beginning with the adoption of the In many sulphide ores, small quantities of molybdenite (MoS2; generally less In the first section, the ROM is crushed using a jaw crusher and a cone
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